I have been working from home since Memorial Day 2015 in the US. I love it. Super productive. Can be here for my kids if required. I am disciplined enough to work and keep focused and have a separate office space on purpose I setup by killing off a living room. But I also have the space, Internet speed, and tech job that works like that.
Some new folks will not work well like that, some will, as other said it can also come down to individuals. Companies like to generalize everyone like politicians do, so not sure super large companies will treat people as people.
The high cost of real estate and the $$$$ they paid for long leases way before Covid also comes into play. The fact of bluer skies and less polution during Covid because of less people commuting should have environmentalists in the gov't (the real ones) screaming for WFH if you can. And supplementing it for better air, roads, etc.
Businesses that thrive on people coming to work and going out to eat, shop, etc. will suffer from WFH as well.
It is not a simple thing for sure. As you said, some common sense and balance is due.